Saturday, 19 January 2013


After months of little alone time, I grabbed a couple hours last week.
And it created space {in my head, heart and soul}. Space for me. To think {for just me}. To be. To walk alone, and at my own pace.
I hadn't realised I needed it, until it arrived.
This week I found myself alone again. And then I consciously decided to create a little more space, just for me.
And in that two hours of time alone, I let my head stop spinning {by waiting patiently for it to rest}. I gathered my thoughts, goals, dreams and words. And created a plan.

And I found clarity and energy and goals redefined. 

I decided on what I most want. {And I decided to let a couple things go}.
I saw my dreams {and they looked like they just might soon be a reality}.

I meditated. And listened to my heart.
I gave thanks for the parts of me that never change: an eternal optimist, a heart that loves to love, a body that heals, a mind that dreams and a soul that believes in today just as much as tomorrow.


What are you most grateful for this week?


{Grateful for two hours to alone to reconnect, recharge and for the clarity it brought my way. ~ Linking with Maxabella & Kidspot's 52 Weeks of Grateful and Rachel's Finding Joy xx}



  1. Alone time is so important. Enjoy. xxoo

  2. I am currently enjoying two whole days alone (the first time ever, it feels...) I'm not quite sure what to do with myself. Beautiful words xx

  3. so glad you took a moment to enjoy it properly :)sarah

  4. Lovely to have time alone, sounds like you were quite productive x

  5. I am grateful that my creations will benefit a friend's adoption fund. I have a lot of alone time during the day and love it.

  6. i worship at the altar of alone time - i cannot think, create, write or breathe deep enough until i am alone

  7. This is lovely Elisa.
    I'm loving seeing what so many people are grateful for, and alone time is way up there in my opinion! We just don't get much of it as mum's do we?
    I'm hoping to start meditating this year. I tried the year before last, but as I couldn't do it until after dinner when my hubby was home after work, I just kept falling asleep. This year my youngest starts school, so I'm hoping to try in the mornings :)

  8. Sometimes I don't think there's anything more wonderful than some precious alone time.

  9. Beautiful post Elisa! Clarity is so very important for balance x

  10. I love this Elisa! Listen to your heart always. It knows what you want. xx

  11. Reading your post has reminded me that I need some of this quiet, reflective time away from everyday chaos. I love the way you write, it is very calming! x


Thank you for your words and support. I'm so glad you stopped by xx