Saturday 14 December 2013

Working, working...

I'm working working working right now. And while I do love what I do, there's a part of me that knows {and believes} that this time of the year isn't meant to be the rushed chaos it often turns out to be.

To me, the rhythm of summer is meant to be about play, and family, being together and slowing down to take in sun-shining days (although the sun hasn't been out and about that much around here lately), for spending time soaking up my girls, for winding down after the school year, for taking stock and looking back at all that's happened - all that we've achieved together and individually - and taking it in. A time for slowing to the point of noticing where we are, how far we've come and enjoying time to just be.

I want that. And by the water (no matter the weather, and with my girls) is where I truly want to be right now.

But I'm plodding along steadily, getting items ticked off my work to do list, meeting deadlines and counting down til December 20. Because that's when I'm putting myself on enforced annual leave for a week or so. That's when that slowing and internal rhythm will surface strongest. In the meantime, it's a mixture of slow and fast, but with just enough slow to nourish my body, mind and heart and see me through.


Are you rushing to get things done before the holidays? At which point in the lead up to Christmas, do you let yourself truly slow down? xx

>> If you live in Melbourne, check out the giveaway over on my facebook page - you could win a photoshoot with the gorgeous and very talented Laura at Perla Photography + a CD of images from the day + one print of your choice from With Grace & Eve shop - just by liking our pages and sharing the giveaway post. If you're interested, see  details on Wednesday's facebook post here.


  1. No rushing at all, we avoid the hustle and bustle at all costs. This year with both my hubby and I working at making and selling toys and self care products, we have been a little busier at home than normal, but the toy shop is now closed and my product making is done, and with it we will have a much slower pace as we move into the holidays.

    1. I love the sound of your slow pace Kim. Looking forward to settling into that gentle holiday mode soon x

  2. I've rushed to Christmas in previous years but this year, I've decided to slow it right down. I know I'm going to thank myself for it later...especially by the time we get to Christmas Day.

    1. Definitely! The slower we go, the more we take in. I'm so looking forward to finishing up work for the year, and slowing right down soon xx

  3. You know what I am not rushing, simply because I am too tired to rush. I have so much I could and should be doing but I am just sticking to what is important for now. I am hoping I get a spurt of energy soon however. x

    1. I love that you're listening to your body and honouring where you're at Sarah xx

  4. We are definitely on the same wave length :)

    1. I was thinking that when I stopped by your blog yesterday Becc :)

  5. I rushed all year! Well, little pauses, but looking back, seems very rushy. Now I'm (suddenly) having surgery on Weds, I've pared right back to "must dos" and my top Christmas "want tos" with my girls. I'm on (earlier than planned) holiday & I love it!

    1. So glad you're enjoying your holiday down-time Shell. I think sometimes the rushing is inevitable, and can be tolerated as long as we stop to slow down often :) Sending you positive and healing vibes for your surgery xxxx

  6. I'm not really rushing as I'm still getting over all of us being sick. I'm trying to get the cleaning and housework done before we have people over for Christmas drinks/lunch etc, but at the same time I'm wanting to savour the days I have left with Popette at home, as next year she starts 'big school'. I'm hoping to slow down over the Christmas/NY break and enjoy our time together as a family.

    I hope you have a lovely break, and enjoy time with your girls by the water. xx


Thank you for your words and support. I'm so glad you stopped by xx