Tuesday, 5 June 2012

What I saw

I saw a woman walking {aimlessly} through the shopping centre, stopping at every shop window, never going in.

I saw a couple {tightly} holding hands as they sipped their lattes, eyes locked {almost in tears} and speaking in whispers.

I saw young girls giggling at bright-coloured jeans, jackets and jumpers {and smirking at the girl wearing them}, while they sorted through racks of clothes.

I saw children climbing {pushing and shoving} on a play gym, and talking in screams.

I saw my reflection in a shop front. There I was pushing a pram, brushing hair off my face and singing lullabies to a sleepy baby while squeezing soy sauce on a toddler's sushi.

Did anyone see me? And what did they see?

A mother rushing from baby to toddler, trying {desperately} to weave from one shop to the next?

A woman in a flowing black cardigan, clueless to the child's sticker {pressed with love} on to her top?

A mother listening to {and loving} her toddler's story about a baby doll that needs cuddles to go to sleep?

A woman with darting eyes watching a runaway toddler while cuddling a blanket to her sleeping baby and {struggling} counting coins at the check-out?

I wonder when we look, do we really see? Do we ever really get it right? I say, we see what we want to. And that's ok. Providing some part of us sees there's more to what we see than what we see.

Elisa xx

{Meditating on assumptions and impressions today. Some days I'm not fussed what you see, but on other days I'd be lying if I said I didn't care.}

What did you see today? Anything that made you smile?


  1. Very interesting post. I agree with you, I think we see what we want to see. And I think what we see is based on our own experiences.

    I enjoy people watching, wondering what is going on, but have never turned it around to wonder what people see about me...very interesting.

    1. Thanks Kim! I'm agree!! Our own experiences most definitely shape what we see x

  2. How beautiful... loved reading this post... reminded me of me really..... walking around with stickers on my top... trying to juggle two things at one time and loving it... You have a way with words.Lana xxx

    1. Thank you Lana! I had a laugh when I found the sticker - hours later! x

  3. Going to the shops can be an eye-opener, but I guess the point is that at any one time we only see one facet of a person and their life. Very thought provoking,

  4. i saw a little old lady with a newborn baby, sitting on the low wall in her yard, as i walked to work and it made me smile.

    1. Oh I visualised your words as I read them! Beautiful x

  5. Oh I am with you on this, some days I am open to seeing things others I am just there and coping the best I can with blinkers on. I do love watching the elderly, because they remind me of my parents and how time is no issue.x

    1. "Coping the best I can with blinkers on" - I most definitely know how that feels Karla. That comment about your parents made me smile! x

  6. Beautiful post Elisa - today I mostly saw my kids alone and together and they made me smile.

  7. It was an interesting day for seeing people today. I saw lots of young people hanging around in the mall smoking, without a care in the world. Some young school girls sitting together giggling and a beautiful blue winter sky. Your post is full of thought Elisa and you are right we sometimes need to step back and look beyond what we can see on the surface. May you have a wonderful Thursday.xx

    1. Thank you Catherine! I am trying to remind myself of that - so important I think x


Thank you for your words and support. I'm so glad you stopped by xx