Friday, 1 June 2012

Finding me, finding you

As I wandered down the supermarket aisles this week, glancing at my smartphone shopping list and then darting my eyes back to the baby bundle sitting snug in my trolley, I couldn’t help but smile.

Her baby lips upturned, bright eyes glowing, and that beautiful smile. Baby Eve was staring wide-eyed and admiringly back at me. I was grocery shopping – not a task to be admired, I know. But I was most certain that in her stares I saw sparks of love, and glimpses of wonder and awe.

As I met her stare, I felt immense gratitude {and a whole lot of love}. The most placid, happy, smiling, joyful baby loves me, and wants me {and my boobs but that’s still counted as me, right?}.

So, while searching for gluten-free, low-sugar cereals, I got thinking about how I landed this effortlessly joyful, naturally calm, ever-so-content baby. Effortlessly joyful. Naturally calm. Ever-so-content. All the qualities I strive for in my every day {and often fail to include in my every day}. And here in front of me is this beautiful little girl possessing all of them.

My baby embodies the me I so desperately want to be. She’s only eight months old, but already she’s teaching me so much. I may not be able to capture joy, calm and bliss in my every day, but Eve can. And in her own graceful way, she's showing me how. And I'll be forever grateful.

Elisa xx

{Linking with loads more gratitude over at Kidspot's 52 Weeks of Grateful}

What are you feeling grateful for this week?


  1. Every child is a blessing. One that is content is oh such a bonus! :)
    She is gorgeous, your daughter. Thanks for sharing this with us.
    Ronnie xo

  2. beautiful post...she is devine...I love the perspective that children give us!! : )

  3. There is definitely love there in those eyes Elisa. Have a lovely weekend. xxoo

  4. Now that's a beautiful little face! and I just started eating Freedom Foods maple crunch - not sure about the sugar content but it's the best gluten free cereal i've ever tried.

  5. Beautiful bubba! I am forever learning from my girls (7 and 8 1/2 yrs old) and am grateful every day for what they give me and show me and how they accept me.

  6. She sounds so much like my little eight-monther. I feel blessed daily by the nature of her. They really are special babies with personalities like that. x

  7. What a beautiful post:) Isn't motherhood the bestest thing in the world? Happy mothering weekend to you xx

  8. So beautiful and so true Elise, I love how much my children teach me about life and about myself (and about the me I want to be). And your daughter is sooo gorgeous.

  9. Aren't those eyes just eh biggest and deepest eyes ever! I'm sure baby Eve feels the same way about you. You are both blessed to have each other.

  10. Such a lovely post Elisa. We can learn so much from our kids. She is one cute baby!!

  11. Awwwww - how sweet.

    Have a lovely weekend

    Nina x

  12. She's so so so so cute!! When my Badoo is being awfully cute, instead of just awful, in supermarkets I always have an urge to look at those around me and say "c'mon, isn't she just the cutest ever"... Well, I think your little miss takes the prize! x

  13. She is so heart swellingly gorgeous! How wonderful to have that moment and to write it down. *s*

  14. I feel the same way about my daughter - she is the best version of me!

    Just found your blog - it is a beautiful place xo


Thank you for your words and support. I'm so glad you stopped by xx