Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Goodbye April, hello May!

This past month has been about change. About facing fears. About making commitments. About trusting. About letting go. But mostly about change.

I've celebrated my birthday, I've made a commitment to sharing my journey to {even} better health, I'm focussing on cultivating gratitude {in my every day} and I've begun tuning in more often to all things that make my heart sing.

My April in five words: Reprioritising, Challenging, Grateful, Rewarding, Love.

My April in images {via instagram}:

A wish {wishes} for May:

To spend more time just being {rather than doing}.

To be more gentle with myself {and others}.

Time to say goodbye April. And a big hello May!

Elisa xx

{I joined Fat Mum Slim's Photo A Day Challenge in April - I doubted I would make it the whole 30 days - taking a photo for each prompt - but I did and I loved it. A little creative outlet and loads of fun, and Instagram filters make everything oh-so-much-prettier! To follow me on Instagram for the May challenge, look up @withgraceandeve}

What five words describe your April? What are you wishing for in May?


  1. I cheering in May too.

    Your photos are terrific and I love all the smiles amongst the colour.

    Happy May~

  2. @Felicity - thank you xx I hadn't noticed all the smiles til you mentioned it, and now I so love that they are there! xx

  3. Best of luck for your May wishes. Sounds easy to just be and be gentle... but it's not.

  4. @Tat - Thank you. Certainly isn't easy. But these two wishes are very close to my heart, and even just a little of each will make a huge impact on my days xx


Thank you for your words and support. I'm so glad you stopped by xx