Monday, 15 April 2013


"It's the little moments that make life big..."

Sharing moments I've lived, loved, savoured and given thanks for {this past week}....

~ All four of us sitting on the couch. Miss three on my lap, miss 18 months sprawled out, her head resting under her daddy's shoulder, her feet on my lap and one outstretched hand twisting her big sister's hair. Catching my husband's eyes, and realising this moment is what I dreamt parenthood and being a family to be. No special outing or day, just the four of us, together, intertwined in love.

~ Miss three: "Daddy, I love you so much. I love you too much. Forever and ever. Around and around the world."

~ Miss 18 months bringing me her Spot book, crawling on my lap, opening the first page and pointing to the pictures as she reads it to me in baby babble. Stopping after each page, smiling at me as if checking in just to see I'm enjoying it as much as her.

~ Driving somewhere new. Then stopping in the middle of nowhere to pause my thoughts, to breathe, to look and really see. To give thanks.

~ Watching sunlight dance through treetops.


What moments have you been savouring?

{If you've blogged about moments you've savoured this past week, do leave me a link in the comments. I'd love to have a read. Elisa xx}


  1. Such beautiful simple moments full of love, I can hear that:) The moments I have savoured are watching my youngest enjoying creating by the sea, sitting by the side of the road eating lunch and watching the cows, time in the garden, the rocks picked up just for me to add to my collection. Thank you for reminding me of those simple but beautiful moments. xx

  2. Some beautiful moments listed here Elisa. Sometimes it's just those little moments at home, that make being a parent all that special. xx

  3. Just gorgeous, Elisa. I know that exact feeling that you speak of - family, all together, just like you always dreamed. Definitely something worth savouring and being thankful for. X

  4. Beautiful Elisa. I love those moments at home, hanging out, no agenda...

  5. Beautiful post...treasure these moments...memories! Mrs A

  6. Those moments are just so precious!!
    I'm loving your upward looking perspective of late

  7. Beautiful words sharing the loving moments of a special family!

  8. It is great to treasure these moments.
    I have been doing a "Random Acts of Happiness" each week on my blog. A couple of weeks ago, I had written down 3 things from each day -

  9. Beautiful moments in your week.


Thank you for your words and support. I'm so glad you stopped by xx