Saturday, 23 June 2012

Meals and memories

There was a point with our first baby that I wondered if we would ever sit down to a meal together again.

She had an amazing way of crying the minute dinner o'clock sounded.

Dinner would be me feeding her, my husband feeding himself and when that was done we swapped roles.

This {of course} passed, and soon enough we were sharing a meal as a
family {the three of us}.

And then nine months ago when my littlest one arrived, I realised we were back to the dinner circus again. And I cringed a little {because I love meal times as a family} but I knew this too would pass.

And now we've arrived {in what seems like no time at all really} and the four of us sit down to dinner together every night.

I love it {even if more often than not little miss two wants to "try" what's on our plates, which is the same as what's on her plate}.

I love that we're all together doing the same thing {even if the conversation is little and halted between reaching for the wipes, cleaning mess and encouraging a toddler to eat her vegetables}.

This week for the first time in 12 weeks I sat down to a family meal with my parents, sisters and our little family of four.

All eight of us sharing food {laughing and talking over the top of each other} and our littlest one finally big enough to join in {doing the finger-food eating part all on her own}.

And that meal and those moments gave me a little piece of perfect, a little bit of bliss and a whole lot of love.

Elisa xx

{I'm so grateful for meals and memories made and shared as a family ~ Linking with loads more gratitude at Kidspot's 52 Weeks of Grateful.}


  1. Family meal times are the best thing ever! I love that Julian will now sit up at the table and eat his dinner...just the two of's nice ;)

    1. It's so great when they get to two and can sit at the table on their own! Special times x

  2. I agree we are now just able to really enjoy meal time together. Miss M. loves setting the table (which is fantastic) and we have some of the funniest conversations together. So much to remember to be grateful for!

  3. Such a lovely post and so true. We all love to have meals together too, sometimes it's a bit hard with my 11 year old's footy or cricket training and our 2 year old struggling to wait till everyone gets home, but we try.

    1. Makes the times we all can sit down to share a meal together that bit more special I think! x

  4. Family meals are so lovely. I love listening to my kids talk about what they've done. All the stories my daughter tells happened 'yesterday' even if it was 3 months ago :)

    1. That's so sweet Tat! I can't wait to hear my girls' stories too when they're older x

  5. Its one of my favourite times of the day too

  6. Gorgeous - I love having family dinners. We don't get to do it every evening but make sure we always have every meal together at the weekend. Very special indeed. x

  7. I love family meal time, amongst all the noise and choas it is what families are about coming together at the end of the day sitting down and talking. :) nx

  8. Sounds wonderful. We don't have full family meal times often enough (hubby gets home very late) but do it on weekends and wherever possible.

  9. This is completely wonderful. I love sitting down to have a meal properly - how nice to feel comfy with it as your family of 4. *s*


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