Friday, 1 November 2013

Missing. Lately.


I've been missing in action at With Grace & Eve lately.... Right when I thought I'd found a relaxed mindful rhythm of heart centred moments...when I'd found my balance... mother guilt and fear crept up on me.                       
I almost immediately intentionally pulled back to centre in on me - my emotional wellbeing - and to reassess, to slow further, to find my clarity and to release the guilt and fear that weren't serving me one bit well.
That pulling back was really a letting go. And a reminder to do what needed to be done, and do nothing extra. A releasing of old patterns, to create time and space for new.

Clarity came and showed me what was missing. Slowly.
I craved the written word, and particularly that which I'd read before. So I read the same words, but gained new insight.
 I wrote just for me. I created new affirmations. And silently and repetitively I affirmed: "My best is good enough."
And I spent the solo minutes my day afforded me in stillness, drawn to meditation and realigning myself with the power of my breath. 
And after two birthday celebrations (now we have a little miss two and little miss four!) this past two months I have felt the need to hold my babies close a little more each day.     
As I slowed, it felt as though time was affording me more heart moments. But less I wanted to share.     
I gave myself a mindful project, to ground and centre with two little girls in tow. I stepped outside at about the same time each day for seven days to take photos at the same place. Minutes of just being with my girls, in awareness, mindful of moments and the power of presence all at once.

And I've missed this space but the lesson has been in the missing. It's made me notice what's missing from my days, and it's shown me once again the freedom and presence that comes from honouring where I'm at. And the wonder that comes from making space for new and change.
Has anything been missing from your days of late? And does that affirmation {"My best is good enough"} resonate with you? When I shared it on facebook, it was reassuring to know it was something others felt they needed too. Elisa x



  1. Oh thank you Elisa. I came on to my blog reader just now, needing (sending up a silent prayer for) peace, something to quiet my mind, something to help me, right here & now. Thank-you, you were here, your words (again) were exactly what I needed to read. So much has been missing from my days of late! It's gotten so out of balance, I'm learning lessons. I'm working out what I do & don't want, what I do & don't need. I confuse those sometimes though...right now, the other stuff can wait, I'm going to run my girls a bath, sit there next to them & breathe.

  2. Beautiful, wise words. Thank you.
    Cheers Kate

  3. Beautiful hon. Like shell found, your words always bring me peace, I feel my breath slow when I visit here. Hope your days are wonderful

    Deb xx

  4. It is always a privilege to read your words! Thank you.

  5. My best is good enough...I say those words almost every day. Because truthfully, it is.

  6. Learning how to accept 'my best is good enough' and not 'strive for perfection always' has become the new motto for my life. It's not easy to remember always which is why I love little blog posts like these to help me on the way! x

  7. Time after time I come here to read posts that I could have written myself (if I could write like you). It's amazing just how similar our journeys can be. My best is good enough... I might steal that one ;)

  8. beautifully written Elisa and I also agree with "my best is good enough".
    I have also missed the blogging community and hope to find my way back again x

  9. I think things like Pinterest make it hard to believe we are being the best parents possible. I know my financial resources are limited, as is my time, but the love I have for my daughter is boundless. Not a day goes by when I don't hug her, tell her I love her, and try to have even just a few minutes between the two of us. Sometimes its more but I need to focus on that fact that she is a priority and that is why I work as hard as I do. My best is enough.


Thank you for your words and support. I'm so glad you stopped by xx