Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Deciding on less and more

I can easily write a lengthy list of what I want more of. For some reason, more seems to strike a chord... and it makes me focus on what I don't have. But when I bring less into the equation, the opposite presents. I find myself dwelling on what I don't need, what I can discard, what I truly need to be happy {and it turns out that's not many things at all}. 

In learning the art of balance and in a bid for clarity, I write my more or less list each year. It begins with a fair bit of thought, but eventually the words just roll onto the page, unfolding into a manifesto of sorts that resonates with my heart. Here it is.

Less screens, more books
Less sugar, more protein
Less procrastination, more meditation
Less talking, more listening
Less worry, more gratitude

Less criticism, more praise
Less fear, more love
Less rushing, more moments
Less doing, more just being


Will you give the less and more list a go? Do you do a similar exercise, and has it helped you? Love to know your thoughts. Leave me a message or link below or even shoot me an email if you create your own list. I'd love to have a read. Elisa xx 

~~~~~~~~ Love some free prints and affirmations to inspire your everyday? You can leave your email here! Can not wait to send this bundle of mindfulness prints + affirmations to you next month. Elisa xx ~~~~~~~~ 


  1. It's a good plan and one to remember in times good and not so good. Thank you for sharing. Denyse #teamIBOT

    1. Definitely a list to look back on throughout the year. Thanks Denyse x

  2. Less screens more books, I like this one x

    1. Thanks Beck! More book reading is a goal for my year x

  3. That is an awesome list and I think mine would be pretty similar :)

    1. Thanks Sammie! I loved your talking stock list today too x

  4. Yes! I love the less list.

    Less screens, more books
    Less stuff, more experiences
    Less doing, more being
    Less noise, more calm
    Less choice, more clarity
    Less judgement, more acceptance
    Less broccoli, more chocolate ;)

    1. Love it Jodi! Less noise, more calm is soooo good. And any excuse for (dark) chocolate I'll take! Xx

  5. Less fear, more love - I Adore that one. Something I need to work on also.

  6. I love that list, on mine I could add:
    ~Less self-judgement, more self love
    ~Less stress, more relax
    ~Less impatience, more calmness
    ~Less thinking, more feeling
    ~. ......

    Luisa xx

  7. I love your list Elisa, I will have to give my own list a go. With my word Nourish, I am trying to spend less time online/more time creating, but it doesn't seem to be going to plan as yet. I am hoping to fix that and get back on track xo

  8. I love this set of intentions. Less is more isn't it? I struggle with less screen time (news feed obsession) but when I do less screen time I'm much much much happier.

  9. Love, love, love this!!! I am going to do a list in my journal today....thanks for sharing!


Thank you for your words and support. I'm so glad you stopped by xx